What can a Christian accomplish through meditation?
In meditation a Christian seeks silence so as to experience intimacy with God and to find peace in his presence. He hopes for the sensible experience of his presence, which is an undeserved gift of grace; he does not expect it, however, as the product of a particular technique of meditation.
Meditation can be an important aid to faith that strengthens and matures the human person. Nevertheless, techniques of meditation that promise to bring about an experience of God, or even the soul's union with God, are deceptive. On account of such false promises, many people believe that God has abandoned them just because they do not perceive him. But God cannot be compelled to show up by particular methods. He communicates himself to us whenever and however he wishes. (YOUCAT question 504)
Dig Deeper: CCC section (2720-2724) and other references here.
Re-invigorate your Faith: The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality - An Inspiring CD by Matthew Kelly
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